Clay Bruin Joins Scott as Surety Bond Consultant in Charlotte

Scott Insurance has appointed Clay Bruin as a surety bond consultant in its Charlotte, N.C. office. In this role, Bruin will help clients navigate the complexities of creating and managing a cost-effective surety program that supports their business goals. 

Bruin previously served as an underwriter with surety partner, RLI Insurance.  He earned his undergraduate degree in business management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and earned his Associate in Fidelity and Surety Bonding (AFSB) designation through the Institutes.

Bruin is actively involved in surety professional associations including Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), National Association of Surety Bond Producers (NASBP), Carolinas chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America (CAGC) and Carolinas Surety Association.

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