Clay Bruin

Surety Advisor

Based in Charlotte, N.C., Clay serves as a trusted partner to his clients, helping them navigate the complexities of creating and managing a cost-effective surety program that supports their business goals. Before joining Scott, Clay worked as an underwriter for surety partner, RLI Insurance. His underwriting experience, industry relationships and technical knowledge allow him to provide unparalleled service in a variety of ways.

If you have any questions or need any additional assistance, call Clay at 704-290-3196
A little more information about Clay
Clay earned his undergraduate degree in business management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and earned his Associate in Fidelity and Surety Bonding (AFSB) designation through the Institutes. He is actively involved in surety professional associations including Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), National Association of Surety Bond Producers (NASBP), Carolinas chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America (CAGC) and Carolinas Surety Association. Some of his favorite activities are traveling, playing golf and watching sports with his wife.
37 States visited
26 Cruises sailed on
4 Sports I love playing...although I enjoy all sports