Cheryl Murray

Medicare and Individual Specialist

Cheryl has more than 20 years of experience in the life and health business. Based in Richmond, she specializes in the individual life and health market as well as serving as Scott’s Medicare resource.

Call Cheryl at 804-441-6828 if you have questions or need additional assistance.

If you have any questions or need any additional assistance, call Cheryl at 804-441-6828
A little more information about Cheryl

Prior to joining Scott, Cheryl spent more than 15 years as a Human Resources professional where she helped her current employer maintain benefit compliance, competitiveness and total benefit administration that impacted overall employee job satisfaction and retention.  In addition, she was able to help employees make individual and personal benefit decisions based on benefit options offered by their employer.  During Cheryl’s employment with Scott, she has worked with various employer groups where she continued to expand her knowledge on the various benefit designs available and the impact of Medicare vs. group health coverage.